Context and plot
Generators :
Open place :
- 01-30 : rural (a village, a camp site, a camping)
- 31-60 : town/city (a neighborhood in a big city, downtown, a residential suburb, an industrial zone, a small town)
- 61-90 : nature (a forest, a desert, a mountain)
- 91-100 : weird/bizarre (unclassifiable, a dream, another world, eg: Lovecraft's dreamland ...)
Closed/behind closed doors/huis clos :
- 01-10 : a campus
- 11-25 : a factory, an industrial complex
- 26-35 : a hangar/a warehouse
- 36-50 : a mall
- 51-60 : a hospital
- 61-80 : a building (offices, apartments) or a manor
- 81-85 : a boat (a cruise liner, a yacht, a sailboat, a cargo boat)
- 86-90 : a plane (an airliner, a small cessna)
- 91-95 : a train (freight train, night train, the Orient express, etc...)
- 96-100 : a lighthouse
Events :
- 01-14 : science related/technological/industrial (epidemic, factory leak/leak of chemicals, pollution, explosion)
- 15-29 : spiritual (religious, cult : a religious holiday, a special day, a procession, a funeral, a wedding)
- 30-39 : authorities (police roadblock, lockdown or curfew by the government or a government agency, an official investigation)
- 40-54 : news-item (murder, burglary, kidnapping/missing person, robbery)
- 55-69 : local event (town fair, neighborhood fair, a parade, eg : groundhog day, a pride)
- 70-85 : natural (flood, earthquake/seismic shock, torrential rain, hurricane, heatwave/drought)
- 86-90 : cosmic/cosmologic eclipse, meteor shower, magnetic storm)
- 91-100 : bizarre/weird (unexplained phenomenon, paranormal, frog rain, ufo sights)
Instructions :
- For solo play, thinking of a series, a movie, a book, etc... before you start can be useful to set the tone and help you immerse in the story.
- create a character, his background etc... following the official rules
- create 2 NPCs and their connexions following the rules
then two possibilities :
You want to play behind closed doors :
- roll the closed places table
You don't want to play behind closed doors :
- roll the open places table to have the location of your adventure
- roll the closed places table to have your starting point
- roll the events table to get your triggering event
Example :
- You roll a garbage collector character
- he has a factory worker friend and a local teacher is a casual acquaintance
- we want an open adventure : we roll small town as the generic location and building as starting point
- the triggering event is an investigation
So our starting point is that our character is in his apartment in a small town when law enforcement knocks on his door to ask him questions.
We have 2 NPCs that can be used to help our character or that can be used as suspects.
Then, the oracle you use to solo play will decide how you go on from there. But you have at least a starting point, a frame and the beginning of a plot.
Doom clock
The official rules propose the doom clock tool.
Before you start choose how many boxes you will be able to tick on your doom clock. When all your boxes are ticked something serious happens to your character.
Tick the boxes according to your oracle rules (for example with mythic GME use the chaos factor, with GUM tick a box every time you suffer a complication or a problem).
You can also tick a box when your character suffers from stress or from a fallout.
When the clock is filled you can interpret that in different ways :
- it can mean that the enemies your character is hunting go after him (for example the corporation, the cult, the government agency, the monster).
- It can be a trial, a test (get out of a place, solve a riddle, fight a creature).
- If you played an investigation with clues, it can also mean that it is time to gather your clues, make a deduction and go test your hypothesis (for the better or the worst).
Die of Fate (from the official rules)
- Sometimes randomness is required.
- Roll 1d6 to consult the die of fate.
- 6: Good Result
- 4-5: Mixed Result
- 1-3: Bad Result